Saturday, August 11, 2007

Barbecue Picnic at Second Beach

Summer 2007 was in its final throes. The days were getting shorter. The mornings and evenings were getting cooler. Since the Fuentes family never had a real picnic this summer, Lyn thought of having one, especially after having a gorgeous barbecue picnic the previous week with churchmates at Second Beach in Stanley Park.

Initially, lunch was supposed to be longanisa and rice with tomato and balsamic vinegar. It didn’t sound very “picnicky” though. Fortunately, Ronnie remembered seeing a portable yet disposable barbecue grill which was on sale at the supermarket. It came with mesquite charcoal, steel base and mesh, and paper starter. They bought two just to be sure.

Raf chose the meats for grilling. He went for the marinated ribs and chicken drumsticks. Chocolate cookies and fruit cups were for dessert. Of course, what’s a picnic without pop and chips?

The next day, Saturday, the family headed to Second Beach in Stanley Park. Lyn wanted a nice spot under the trees while Ronnie wanted the same one where their churchmates had barbecue last week. Unfortunately, most of the picnic grounds and the picnic tables were already occupied by members of the Hare Krishna sect, who was having a religious celebration there.

However, there was a lone picnic table a few metres from the festivities. It was right under the trees, which provided some shade. But the constant drum beats and “Hare Krishna” chants blaring from the speakers compelled Ronnie and Raf to scout for another. Raf found a nice one a few metres from the seashore and immediately reserved a table.

Always the homemaker, Lyn daintily set up the picnic table with a checkered tablecloth. Soon after, Ronnie was firing up the barbie. In 20 minutes, they were grilling chicken legs, pork ribs, hot dogs and veggies. All agreed that food tasted better when it's cooked with fire.

After lunch, Raf snuck into the tent and caught up with his reading while his dad went to the seashore nearby and took some pictures. His mom, as usual, was cleaning up the mess left by them. In case they got hungry later, she put the leftover meats inside an aluminum container and placed it on top of the grill to keep it warm.

As the afternoon went by lazily, a strong wind started to blow and the temperature began to drop. This was the trio's cue to pack up and call it a day. Besides, the sea breeze was driving the smoke from a neighbouring barbecue their way.

Contentedly lugging their backpacks and bags, they walked to English Bay and stopped by Starbucks to get warmed up before heading home. •